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Excalibur History


As you might know our sets were destroyed by the owners of the stage space were were renting, we were apparently caught in the middle of a situation between the brothers that owned the studio. They lost the studio to foreclosure, it was sold and were had been working on an agreement with the new owner, during which time we were locked out of the stage and away from our sets and property. While we we negotiating with the new owners lawyer, without so much as a phone call this new owner had our sets bulldozed, We filed a law suit against them initially with out any response, as our lawyer was about to file for and judgment their lawyer contacted ours and informed him that they would respond to the suit within two weeks. Since that time we have tried to contact out Lawyer, unsuccessfully. No response to any calls, emails faxes, anything, We are ready to file a complaint with the Nevada Bar against him. There will be one more registered letter informing him that some kind of resolution, or at least a refund of the $2500 retainer and turning over all documents pertaining to the law suit, is required within 30 days of the date of the letter of we will be going to the Bar and the Press (he is running for office here in Vegas currently)

In the mean time, we have decided to tentatively start up again and ask for help in getting back into preproduction, As we are still paying expenses incurred with the original production, with an understanding that the economy is not the best for doing this we are asking if someone is interested or knows someone that would be interested and able to provide financial backing for the production. Even while we are obtaining backing for the project we will be start up the writing department and complete the rewrites on the current batch of scripts and move the other approved stories to their 1st drafts

We need to rebuild out production team, if you are a Computer animator, costume maker, make up artist (both effects & for the actors) know construction, (living in or near Vegas a plus but not required) Please email and volunteer.

We haves added a LOT of crew since this was first written and have several options for possible funding in the works, nothing definite yet.



Thanks for coming back and we hope to be back to work soon!


Joseph Kerezmnan

Executive Producer

Star Trek Excalibur














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